This is myLOCAL

This is myLOCAL

Developed to support the Buy Local movement in an era of social distancing, big box stores and online retail monopolies, myLOCAL is an ongoing project to digitize commercial streets across North America – enabling bricks-and-mortar stores of all sizes to do business in a digital world.

If you’re a local, it’s time to shop like one.

What if we could do for local businesses what a certain “online bookstore” did for overseas manufacturing? Whether you’re placing an order or making a donation, it’s our goal to make it possible for everyone to support local businesses from anywhere.

If you’re a local business, it’s time to go digital.

We built myLOCAL to help in every way, from promotion, to purchase, to delivery. If you’re a business with an existing online store or delivery option, myLOCAL will link to it and drive increased traffic to your site. If you’re in need of a digital solution to enable online sales, process payments, and handle deliveries, we’ve already built you one. And if you can’t afford to promote your business, don’t worry – myLOCAL leverages the strength of the entire local business community, making us all stronger together.

The future is bright.

In the next phase, it’s our goal to create a new gig economy around local delivery, merge individual supply chains, and bring dozens of new shopping destinations online. We’ll also be investing our own time and money to launch individual marketing campaigns to drive traffic to local shopping destinations, so stay tuned!

Are we missing something?

myLOCAL is the passion project of a small local business with just a handful of talented, driven people. Every storefront was photographed and processed individually, information has been entered manually, and our secure marketplace was built in record time. If you spot a business that’s missing, something that needs fixing, or just want to lend us a hand, please don’t hesitate to contact us.